Amazing Race in the Burbs’
This Summer the MOJO crew decided we want to see more of you get active and to see a bit of what we do in Adventure Racing.
For the month of January and February we ran two training rogaine events in Toowoomba. (Rogaine is finding a clues using a map on foot)
During the course of the 3 events – 1 night rogaine, 2 Saturday afternoon ones – over 100 people (some return from the January event) ran, skated or rode (kids only) finding clues over approx 18k of course.
It was so awesome to see mums and dads, kids and dogs, babies in prams..skateboards and bikes – all heading off on a big adventure!!
Thanks to everyone who came and joined us. We hope to see more of you in the future.
We hope those who participated enjoyed the MOJO challenges! Stay tuned there will be more!!
Jo and E