Category: Team MOJO



So youa have probably been wondering who are these crazy people who masquerade as an Adventure Racing Team? Well wonder no more…

Team Profile


Name :: Erren

Age :: Not as old as JT

Occupation :: Building Designer and Photographer

Athletic experience :: Not much at all… oh, I did play for Australia at the 1997 World In-line Hockey Championships in Austria… does that count? plus iAdventure, ARA and Max Adventure events in SEQ

Weapon of choice :: Yeti 575

Favourite bit of kit :: I suffer from GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) so I have lots of cool stuff

Favourite Discipline :: MTB… I’m begining to love trail running though

Brings to the team :: Sense of humor and a sense of direction + lots of cool stuff

Secret Skill :: Ability to sleep standing up (this is still in a testing phase)

Team Role :: Bike mechanic, navigator and finder of fine dining establishments

Goal :: Keep increasing fitness and drag more people into this exciting world of AR

Favourite AR moment to date :: Nearly dying in an ARA race and then placing in the top 25%



Name :: Jo

Age ::28…..all mums are 28 right?

Occupation :: Nurse Practitioner/Rookie Adventure Racer/Personal Trainer

Athletic/Race experience :: Gold Coast Half Marathon 2010, 2011, Peak 2 Park 2010/2011, Hilly Half 10k, iAdventure SE Series AR 2011,12,13..Katmandu AR Beerburrum, Rogue 24, GEO Half 2014, Mini Rogue 2014, Murphys Law 8 Hour Rogaine,(3rd women’s open) Twilight Half, Beerburrum cyclegaine, Varsity Lakes Rogaine (winner women’s veteran)

Weapon of choice :: Bumblebee….my YETI 575

Favourite bit of kit :: My Yak…

Favourite Discipline :: Used to be running but tearing down hills on the bike is becoming an all-time favourite. But then again paddling in glorified plastic in the middle of large bodies of deep water has a very strong appeal too these days…..(especially at sunset!)

Brings to the team :: Tenacity, motivation, and girlness

Secret Skill :: Being able to run up hills faster pushing my bike than E can ride nearly. Bringing people to the awesome world of adventure 🙂

Team role :: First Aid officer, Marketer, Personal Trainer, Assistant Navigator/ main navigator

Goal :: GODZONE… or any race in NZ!

Favourite AR moment to date :: First time down the Jubilee Park hill on my mountain bike and the roller cat. But finishing the first race was awesome too!


Well I hope that cleared it up for you…

happy trails 😉